October 1940 - August 2023
Lilly Gall, passed away peacefully in her home on August 17, 2023 in North Miami Beach, Florida at the age of 82. Lilly is survived by her daughter, Adriana, her son-in-law Anthony and grandson Marc Anthony and in Argentina by her sister Bella, several cousins and many nieces and nephews.
Lilly was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She graduated from St. Thomas University with a degree in Psychology. Her passion was to help people and to be of service to those in need. Most of her life she was a cosmetologist and a beauty consultant. Lilly was also an accomplished poet and songwriter and dedicated her free time to philanthropy and life-coaching. She was a devout Catholic who touched the lives of many people with her enthusiasm and kindness. She was greatly loved by her family and friends. We will all miss her.
A funeral service will be held on Sunday, August 27 at 2:00 p.m. at Landmark Funeral Home, 4200 Hollywood Boulevard, Hollywood, FL 33021. Visitation will be held from 2:00-5:oo p.m. with a Memorial Service at 3:00 p.m. All are welcome to attend and celebrate Lilly’s life. In Lilly’s honor, please send donations to St. Jude Children’s Hospital or St. Maximilian Kolbe Catholic Church.
Lilly Gall falleció pacíficamente en su casa el 17 de agosto de 2023 en North Miami Beach, Florida, a la edad de 82 años. A Lilly le sobreviven su hija Adriana, su yerno Anthony y su nieto Marc Anthony y en Argentina su hermana Bella, varios primos y muchos sobrinos.
Lilly nació en Buenos Aires, Argentina. Se graduó de la Universidad de St. Thomas con una licenciatura en Psicología. Su pasión era ayudar a las personas y estar al servicio de los más necesitados. La mayor parte de su vida fue cosmetóloga y consultora de belleza. Lilly también fue una consumada poeta y compositora y dedico su tiempo libre a la filantropía y al coaching de vida. Era una católica devota que tocó la vida de muchas personas con su entusiasmo y amabilidad. Fue muy querida por su familia y amigos. Todos la extrañaremos.
Un funeral se llevará a cabo el domingo 27 de agosto a las 2:00 p.m., en Landmark Funeral Home, 4200 Hollywood Boulevard, Hollywood, FL 33021. El velorio se llevará a cabo de 2:00 – 5:00 p.m. con un servicio conmemorativo a las 3:00 p.m. Todos son bienvenidos a asistir y celebrar la vida de Lilly. En honor a Lilly, pueden enviar donaciones al St. Jude Children’s Hospital o a la Iglesia Católica St. Maximilian Kolbe.
Address: 4200 Hollywood Blvd Hollywood, Florida 33021
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Phone: (954) 989-8220
Fax: (954) 989-8599
Email: info@landmarkfuneralhome.com
Address: 4200 Hollywood Blvd Hollywood, Florida 33021
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